Varistor Leaded Features
Wide operating voltage(V1mA ) range from 18 V to 1800 V
Fast responding to transient over -voltage
Large absorbing transient energy capability
Low clamping ratio and no follow -on current
Applications Transistor,Diode,IC,Thyristor or Triac semiconductor protection.
Surge protection in consumer electronics.
Surge protection in industrial electronics.
Surge protection in electronic home appliances,gas and petroleum appliances.
Relay and electromagnetic valve surge absorption.
General Characteristics Definition / Material
Operating Temperature: (-40℃~+85℃ ) &(- 40℃ ~+125℃)
Storage Temperature: (-40 ℃ ~ +125 ℃~) &(-40℃ ~+150℃)
Working Surface Temperature: +115℃
Insulation Resistance: >100MΩ
Coating (Epoxy Resin): Flame-Retardant to UL 94V-0 Coating: Epoxy Resin Lead Wire: The Copper Wire Electrode: Silver Solder Disk: Zinc Oxide